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At Alger Conservation District, we strive to make finding the right resources for you and your family easy.
Here you will find a list of frequently asked questions, answers, and direct links to the resources you are looking for in Alger County.
Reach us at or call us at 906-387-2222 if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Although most of our services are designed for private landowners, we encourage and welcome all residents to help in local projects and workshops or donate what they can to create a healthy native ecosystem. Learn more
Alger Conservation District can help with all forest-related questions and assessments. Sara Kelso, our district forester, is here for you! Meet Sara, see her services, and contact her
Alger Conservation District helps farmers like you connect with programs like the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NCRS). Misa Cody, the district conservationist, will help guide farmers and landowners in Alger County to resources that will help. Meet Misa, see her services, and contact her
Technical assistance is always free and confidential from Produce Safety Technicians. The only time payment for service is required from the MIOFPS program is enrollment fees for Grower Trainings and Supervisor Trainings.
Who is the Produce Safety Technician in Alger County? Meet Landen Tetil
If you are a farm that does any: growing, harvesting, packing, or holding, of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, or mushrooms, produce safety applies to you! The Produce Safety Rule provides federal requirements for these practices, and a Produce Safety Technician can help you ensure you are meeting these standards.
The program provides funding on a flat per-acre rate. For those looking to mow tag alder, the current rate for 2023 is $490.48 per acre. This rate changes to $558.58 if you qualify for the Historically Underserved status. For those looking for funding on timber harvesting, the funding rate is $64.32, or $77.19 for HU status. To get a full picture of the available funding, it is best to talk with American Bird Conservancy staff.
A Qualified Forester is a forester registered with MDARD who meets at least one of the following requirements:
1) is a forester certified by the Society of American Foresters
2) is a Forest Stewardship Plan Writer
3) is a Technical Service Provider as registered by the USDA for Forest
Management Plan Development
4) is a Registered Forester and/or
5) is a member of the Association of Consulting Foresters.
MDARD provides a list of Qualified Foresters by county which is available at
There are two ways the Qualified Forest Program may reduce your property taxes.
(a) When you execute a Qualified Forest School Tax Affidavit (QFSTA) it exempts you from paying certain local school operating millage. Typically, you would be exempt from 18 mills of school operation tax, although that amount may be less depending on the school districts within your community.
(b) You may also execute a Qualified Forest Taxable Value Affidavit (QFTVA) if you are purchasing forested land that is already enrolled in the program. If you are a new purchaser and execute a QFTVA, your taxable value would remain capped at the level of the previous owner.
Alger Conservation District
101 Court Street, Munising, MI 49862
Copyright © 2025 Alger Conservation District - All Rights Reserved.